How To Make Up To $10,000 Per Month On Amazon Without Selling Physical Products

Read this article to find out how to make up to $10,000 monthly on Amazon without selling physical products. From choosing the right niche for your Amazon business, researching what people are looking for, and finally setting up your website and marketing it to other informational websites like yours. Learn all the steps in this article!

What is Amazon?

Amazon is a retailer that sells products through an online marketplace. Customers can purchase items ranging from books to electronics. Amazon also offers cloud storage, music, and video streaming services. Amazon makes money by charging customers for these services and selling advertising space on its website.

Amazon FBA

Here are five things to remember if you’re considering starting an Amazon FBA business.

1. Get organized

Before you start selling on Amazon, you must have a plan and some systems in place. This will help you track your sales and inventory and manage your time more efficiently.

2. Research your niche

When choosing a product category to sell on Amazon, ensure that the products you select fall within your target market’s interests and needs. Doing this research will help you find products that are likely to be popular and profitable.

3. Build a brand name for yourself

Once you have selected a product category and developed a list of profitable products, it’s time to build a brand name for yourself. This means creating an online presence (including a website), developing marketing strategies, and establishing relationships with other sellers in your niche.

4. Create high-quality content for your website and social media accounts

Your website and social media accounts should be filled with quality content that promotes your brand and sells your products. Ensure that the copy is well-written and concise and that the images are used to support the message.

5. Keep pricing consistent across all channels

When setting prices for items sold through Amazon FBA, ensure that they are consistent across all channels – including online, in brick-and-mortar stores, and through other digital platforms. This will help to ensure that customers have a consistent experience when shopping on Amazon and that you receive the same commission for sales made through all channels.

5 Ways to Make Money on Amazon

There are several ways to make money on Amazon without selling physical products. The most common way is to sell digital products. You can also sell services, such as consulting or coaching or rent out space on your Amazon account. Finally, you can earn money by providing reviews and ratings for products.

You first need to create an account to start making money on Amazon. You can use an existing account if you have one or create a new account. Once you have an account, you must set up your shipping and payment settings. You will also need to decide what products you want to sell.

You can sell digital products on Amazon using the Kindle Direct Publishing platform. This platform allows you to self-publish books and make them available for sale on Amazon. 

You can also use this platform to sell e-books and other digital content. To get started, you will need to submit your book proposal and then wait for approval from Amazon. 

Once your book is approved, you must set up your publishing environment and prepare your book for sale on Amazon.

Another way to make money on Amazon is to sell services. You can offer consulting services related to Kindle publishing, website design, marketing advice, or anything else that may be useful to others online. 

You can also provide coaching services that help people learn how to market their businesses online effectively. To offer these services, you will first need to create a profile page on Amazon and then start listing your services. 

You can also provide special discounts to customers who purchase multiple services from you in a single transaction.

Finally, you can earn money by providing reviews and ratings for products. When you review or rate a product, you are providing your opinion on that product. 

This information can be valuable to customers who are looking for recommendations. You can also earn money by writing reviews of products you have yet to purchase.

You must sign up for a free account with Amazon Review Service to get started. This service allows you to create and submit reviews of products you have yet to purchase. 

You will also need to create an Amazon profile and an affiliate link with your website or blog. When a customer clicks on your affiliate link and purchases the product, you will earn a commission on the sale. 

Overall, there are several ways to make money on Amazon. Some standard methods include selling digital products, offering services, and providing product reviews and ratings.

How To Make Up To $10,000 Per Month On Amazon Without Selling Physical Products

If you want to make a significant income from Amazon but want to sell something other than physical products, this guide is for you! This article will show you how to generate up to $10,000 per month on Amazon without selling any physical products.

First, if you don’t already have an Amazon account, create one now. Once you have an account, it’s time to start building your business. Here are the three main ways that you can make money on Amazon without selling physical products:

1) Sell digital products: This is the most popular way people make money on Amazon. All you need are digital products and an Amazon account. With digital products, you don’t need any inventory or a storefront. You upload your product, set your pricing, and ship them out to customers through Amazon’s fulfillment network.

There are two main ways to sell digital products online: through Amazon’s marketplace (where you compete with other sellers) and third-party marketplaces like eBay and Etsy. The best way to find which marketplaces will work best for your product is by doing some research first.

2) Becoming an affiliate associate: Becoming an affiliate associate means promoting other people’s products on your website or blog and earning a commission based on the sales they generate. To become an affiliate associate, you only need a website and an Amazon account.

3) Become a content creator: This is another popular way to make money on Amazon. With content creation, you will write articles or blog posts that promote other people’s products. You will then earn a commission on the sales generated by these articles. 

Whichever route you choose, make sure that you research which products and strategies will work best for your product. Then, go ahead and start generating income on Amazon!


If you want to make extra money and have some spare time, then selling products on Amazon might be the perfect solution. Here are a few tips on how to make up to $10,000 per month selling products on Amazon without having to sell physical products. Happy Selling!

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